Welcome to Scribbles and Sketches
Welcome to my seasonal notebooks, one per season. Each notebook will last a calendar month, and will follow a single theme, which may be predominantly textual or predominantly visual. Perhaps some may include audio or video. The themes could be anything, based on whatever ideas I have concocted or gathered, magpie-like.
These posts are intended to be notebooks entries, more scribbles than polish. The themes may be inspired by something I am working on, something I want to work through or improve, or they may just be a random and fun thought that popped into my head and wouldn’t go away. Possibly, some of these raw ideas will in time develop into something else, encouraging me to work on them further and use them as a basis for their own projects. I like the thought of this.
There won’t be a notebook every single month. My hope is that these notebooks help me to create in a way that is both a challenge and enjoyable, rather than becoming a tiring bind. Some of the notebooks will be created in real-time, others not.
I am certain that some notebooks will be more to some people’s taste than others. Isn’t that reflective of life?! I much prefer the thought that interest will naturally wax and wane depending on the current theme than feel I have to commit to one particular method or style of creation. I also like the idea of sharing these seasonal notebooks, of these being collaborative in some way.
It would be most delightful if you fancied joining me in these creative adventures.
More Me
If you would like to meet me digitally elsewhere, I can also be found at Lydia Crow and Elosa.